Affordable & Professional Social Media Services in Kent


Social Media is FANTASTIC and is a hugely effective way of reaching and building relationships with your target audience


If you do not have the knowledge or time to nurture it and keep up with its ever changing algorithms and updates, it can be hard work! 

Especially when you are running a business.

We offer three packages to help you to make the most of your social media presence and build the buzz around your business.

An infographic listing the three social media management packages that Build the Buzz offers along with a list of extra services that Build the Buzz provides.


For some, the biggest challenge to effectively managing their business' social media is creating the content. 

Grid posts, carousel posts, reels, and stories are all brilliant ways of communicating your brand and/or product to your target audience, but it all takes TIME, which let's face it - is in short supply when you're running a business!

GREAT posts take research, planning, attractive visuals, interesting copy, hooks and calls to action. 

Luckily, we can take care of it all!


Your branding is the most important part of your business, even more so when you are just starting out. 

This is how people will recognise your business, how they can see what you offer and what to expect before coming to you.

Branding includes your visuals, such as:

logo, typography, colour palette, photography, graphic elements

Your assets, including:

business cards, letterheads, email signatures, presentation templates, social media templates

And also includes your:

tone of voice, mission, core values, tagline or slogan, key messaging

Don't know where to start?

We do!



As well as helping you to managing your social media presence, we also help you to manage your presence offline as well!

We can provide designs for media bios, posters, leaflets, banners, flyers and any other promotional materials you may need. 

Just pop us a message and see how we could help!

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